Terms and Conditions of Sale
Windows and Doors
What glass is best?
Thermally broken frames explained
Standard Colours
BAL Bushfire Attack Levels
Calculate your energy loss
AS1170 Cyclone Impact testing
Shower Screens
Corner Shower
Recessed Shower
Wrought Iron fencing
Factory in production
Gates and Fences
Design Ideas
SpearTop Security Fencing
Pool Drain Grating
Contact Us
Windows and Doors
Shower Screens
Wrought Iron fencing
SpearTop Security Fencing
Pool Drain Grating
Contact Us
Terms and Conditions of Sale
What glass is best?
Thermally broken frames explained
Standard Colours
BAL Bushfire Attack Levels
Calculate your energy loss
AS1170 Cyclone Impact testing
Corner Shower
Recessed Shower
Factory in production
Gates and Fences
Design Ideas
Pool and shower grates can be custom manufactured for length, shape and drainage outlet position and supplied as a kit ready for installation.
Grate sections can be up to 3.0 metres, saving excessive joins and drainage issues.